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VTalk Radio Spotlight
Today's Guest: Rinat Halon of Halon Photography. in Orlando, Florida
Today's Host: Damien Allen

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ANNOUNCER:  This VTalk Radio Photography Spotlight is brought to you by morephotos.com helping professional photographers with all their internet needs. Welcome to the VTalk Radio Photographer Spotlight.

DAMIEN: Today on VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight.  I'm Damien Allen in for the vacationing, John Bentley, and on the phone we have Rinat of Halon Photography in Orlando, Florida.  Good afternoon, Rinat, how are you doing today?

RINAT:  Good afternoon.  Doing great.  Happy Friday.

DAMIEN:  Happy Friday in deed, and it feels like it's Florida here today.  It's about 88 degrees and extremely muggy, and I'm reminded of being in Gainesville, but anyway.

RINAT:  Well, now it's about 100 degrees here, and about 110% humidity. 

DAMIEN:  Wow, that's why I really don't miss that state very much.

RINAT:  We love it.

DAMIEN:  So, we talked to you a couple months back, and you said that you had an art show coming up and some other events happening.  What's been going on it with Halon Photography?

RINAT:  Well actually the art show is scheduled to open July 10th, and I am very excited.  It's going to be up and available for public view through August 29th, and it's called "Reflections" and I'm really excited about it, because it's a show of pictures that is not my usual forte.  I mean, that is not what I usually photograph.  It's actually pictures that I did in New York City, and it's really it's reflections of buildings, but it's reflections of my thoughts.  So it's, you know, kind of all connected together, and I'm very, very excited about it.  Like I said, it's going to be up at the UCS Women's Research Center up in Durr Gallery and it's going to be available for public view July 10th through August 29th.

DAMIEN:  And is there a website where people can get more information on this event. 

RINAT:  On my website, I will be having some more information available as it comes.  So it will be on my website under press release and there's going to be directions on how to get there and, you know, hours of operation.

DAMIEN:  And for our listening audience the Halon Photography website is www.halonwp.com, and you can go up there and see some of the fine work that Rinat has done and check out where she's going to be and what events are going on, and speaking of events, we had talked about shooting one of the morning show DJ's engagement parties while you were down there.  What else is going on with that?

RINAT:  Well, yeah, I am actually, I am commissioned to photograph Alex and Dawn Diaz' wedding, and Alex is the producer...one of the producers of the 106.7 morning show, and the wedding is coming up in November, but meanwhile, I had photographed their engagement session already, and those pictures are available on my website so anybody can go on there and check them out.  We have some gorgeous engagement pictures from that session.  If you go on my website to Halonwp.com, and you go to online galleries, and you click on the Diaz engagement, you can view those pictures.  So, some beautiful, beautiful shots.  We had a really good time.

DAMIEN:  I understand you are doing a new feature called Trash the Dress.  Do you want to tell the audience what that's all about?

RINAT:  Yeah.  I love that concept.  This is for the brave brides.  Basically, what I'm doing...what I'm promoting right now is the Trash the Dress concept which what that is, basically, once the wedding is over with, and, you know, the bride can chose when she wants to do it, but it's a portrait session that basically she gets to wear her dress again and trash it.  So, you know, we go to the beach, we go in a 4x4 and go mudding, I mean, really, really trash it.  You know, I have some brides that can't even think about it, obviously, because it's their dress and they love it, and then I have some brides that say, hey, you know, I used it; I'm done.  You know, I'm never going to use it again, and I want to have a really good time.  And it's a really unique portrait session.  Lots of fun in a beautiful dress so you get to be beautiful and filthy at the same time. 

DAMIEN:  Have any of the brides opted to go down to Gatorworld and try wrestling in one yet?

RINAT:  No, but that's a good idea.  I could find a brave one, that sounds good to me.

DAMIEN:  And what else is going on with you today, Rinat?

RINAT:  Well let's see.  Couple more things.  Oh, the next Central Florida Bride Magazine issue that will be coming out in the next couple of months, I had photographed the session on location for that next issue, so keep an eye for it.  There's some really cool shots in it.  It's a really interesting dress.   It's not a traditional dress if I may say so.  So, very interesting stuff, and the other thing that I wanted to talk about was that I was actually just commissioned over at the Celebration Hotel to be the Celebration Hotel Intimate Wedding Official Photographer.  So basically any intimate wedding that they hold there, I am the photographer for the wedding, and I'm very excited about it.  It's a gorgeous location. 

DAMIEN:  Congratulations on that.

RINAT:  Thank you so much.  Yeah, gorgeous location, the Celebration Hotel.  And actually if you want to see what some of my work looks like as I was photographing at the Celebration Hotel, when you go on www.halonwp.com and you go on the portfolio onto album design, the album layout...the pictures in the album layout were actually taken at the Celebration Hotel.  That wedding was done there.

DAMIEN:  We have been speaking with Rinat Halon of Halon Photography in Orlando, Florida.  She's giving us an update on what's going on with Halon Photography and what's going on down in Orlando.  We really appreciate you spending some more time with us today, Rinat.

RINAT:  Thank you very much.  I appreciate your time.

DAMIEN:  Could we get you to give the audience your website and contact information one more time before we let you go?

RINAT:  Sure absolutely.  It's www.halonwp.com spelled H-A-L-O-N-W-P.com or you can call me at (407) 384-0074.

DAMIEN:  And once again, Rinat has the Reflections Gallery show coming up starting July 10th, correct?

RINAT:  That is correct.

DAMIEN:  July 10th and going through August, and if you want more information, go to www.halonwp.com for the dates, times, showings, and everything else.

JOHN:  You've been listening to the VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight.  I'm Damien Allen.  Thank you and have a great day.

ANNOUNCER:  You have been listening to the VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight; only on
www.vtalkradio.com .  Radio for the 21st Century.


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