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VTalk Radio Spotlight
Today's Guest: Michael Collins of
Today's Host: John Bentley

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Professional Photographers of California
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ANNOUNCER: This VTalk Radio's Spotlight is sponsored by morephotos.com the online photo sales solution to professional photographers worldwide. Welcome to the VTalk Radio's Photographer Spotlight with your host, John Bentley.

JOHN: Today we are in the studio with Michael Collins, President of the Professional Photographers of California. The Professional Photographers of California is a non-profit trade association of professional photographers, employees, suppliers, and the association offers a variety of opportunities for it's members and is one of the largest state affiliates of the PPA of America. Welcome to VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight, today, Michael.

MICHAEL: Well, thank you. It's great to be here.

JOHN: Now tell us a little bit about your association.

MICHAEL: Well like you said, we're a non-profit association representing professional photographers in the state of California and then also the surrounding states like Arizona, Nevada, anybody from any state is welcome to join our association.

JOHN: Even Michigan if I wanted to?

MICHAEL: If they want to pay us the dues, we'll take their money.

JOHN: I'm sure you will. What is..first of all, why should a professional photographer belong to Association?

MICHAEL: Probably the biggest thing is the opportunity for networking. Each year, we have a convention. We have a school for a week which those two places by themselves are great for networking. Getting ideas for keeping yourself current in the profession of photography.

JOHN: How many members are in the association?

MICHAEL: Right now we're averaging about 450 members, paid members.

JOHN: Let's talk a little bit about the convention. Don't you have one coming up soon?

MICHAEL: We have a convention coming up that will be in February and it's got a great lineup. It's February 21st - 25th of 2008.

JOHN: And where's that going to be?

MICHAEL: It's going to be held in Pasadena, California.

JOHN: Alright.

MICHAEL: And we've got speakers from all across the nation and a huge trade show. Basically a giant toy store for photographers.

JOHN: And certainly they're going to have all the latest equipment at this convention?

MICHAEL: They're going to have the latest, greatest equipment, from cameras to lighting, paper, printing, labs; you name it, we've got it.

JOHN: And you have to be a member of the association to go to the convention?

MICHAEL: The convention, itself, you have to pay to go. You don't have to be a member, but if you are a member, you get a reduced rate of almost $100, I believe, discount if you're a member.

JOHN: Ok. Let's talk a little bit about workshops and seminars. You do offer that through the association, correct?

MICHAEL: We do offer that as well. We have...each year we do California Sundays which we just finished California Sunday which is a day long program for photographers to speak about different things. Then we also have West Coast School which is a week long school that we put on in San Diego. Next year it will be June 15th - 20th.

JOHN: Now the schools deal with specific subjects in the industry?

MICHAEL: We have a variety of classes which can range from wedding photography, portraiture, digital workshops such as Photoshop & Corel Painter, high school seniors, children's photography, just about anything.

JOHN: What about marketing?

MICHAEL: Last year we had a class on marketing which is a wonderful class. Lot of people just loved the heck out of it.

JOHN: That's certainly a big part of what you do. It's great to be an artist, photographer, but if you can't sell yourself or you don't know how to sell yourself, it will put quite a cramp in your business.

MICHAEL: It puts a cramp in your checkbook big time if you don't know how to sell yourself.

JOHN: I'm an artist, myself, and I suffer from that a little bit myself so...

MICHAEL: I think we all do.

JOHN: It's kind of hard to sell yourself sometimes if you're, kind of, I don't want to say humble, but if you're not really aggressive in that area.

MICHAEL: Well you don't want to sound over confident when you're talking to people, you know, cocky and hey I'm the greatest photographer, you need to come to me. It's hard to sell yourself if you're not really confident.

JOHN: So this will certainly improve people's confidence and just the skills in how to market themselves.

MICHAEL: Definitely.

JOHN: Well let's talk about you a little bit. How long have you been a photographer?

MICHAEL: Professionally I've been a photographer for about 13 years. I started off as a police officer for 30 years and retired last year, but I've been part time for the last 11 years and now I'm a full time photographer trying to make ends meet.

JOHN: And how long have you been involved in the Professional Photographers of California?

MICHAEL: I've been a member for the last probably ten years, and the last five years, I've been on the board of directors working my way up to president. I volunteered at the conventions, the schools, and wherever else they needed a volunteer at.

JOHN: And how long is the reign as president, if you will?

MICHAEL: My reign is over June of next year. So it's a one year term and it's a lot of work. It's a lot more than I thought it would be.

JOHN: Yeah, sure. Well we're going to step aside for just a minute, Michael. We'll be back in the studio with Michael Collins, President of the Professional Photographers of California. You're listening to VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight. We'll be right back after these important messages.

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ANNOUNCER: This VTalk Radio Spotlight is sponsored by morephotos.com, the online photo sales solution to professional photographers worldwide.

ANNOUNCER: We now return you to the VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight with your host, John Bentley.

JOHN: Welcome back in the program. You're listening to VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight. I'm your host, John Bentley. Today we have in the studio Michael Collins, President of the Professional Photographers of California. Welcome back to the program, Michael.

MICHAEL: Well, thank you.

JOHN: Now we've been talking about you're association out there in California. Tell our listening audience a little bit more about some of the benefits that are included in this association.

MICHAEL: Some of the benefits that are included in this association?

JOHN: Some of the benefits...number one we have a magazine called Pro Photo West which is mailed to our members every quarter. This year we won an award, I guess it would be an award to be proper English, we had the best magazine in the nation for state affiliates. And then we also have an annual print competition. This year is going to be a little bit larger, because the PPA is regional print competition. So it's an entry into the Professional Photographer of America print competition as well. We have insurance programs, merchant programs such as credit card processing. We offer an unusual program which is called the Business and Arts Degree which is accredited and can be good advertising for a photographer to say, I have the Business and Arts Degree from a Professional Photographers of California.

JOHN: Now this is a little unusual. I've gone to a number of photography association websites and to have insurance available to some of these photographers is a strike of brilliance if you ask me! How did you come about that?

MICHAEL: We've been trying to find more and more programs for our photographers that we can offer to make us stand out from other associations, and we're still looking for better insurance programs such as health insurance, because that's hard to get for the individual owners out there. And if we team up together, we can get a good health program for everybody. We think that would really be beneficial to everyone.

JOHN: That's for sure. It's tough when you're doing business on your own and trying to get that kind of a thing. I suffer from that myself, so maybe I'll join your organization just for that.

MICHAEL: Health care is expensive.

JOHN: Yeah, it sure it sure is. Now do you have...you spoke about the print competitions. Is this...do you do more than just the one or is there a way...how about if I presented some of my work? I'm kind of an amateur photographer. If I presented some of my work to some of the other members for maybe their opinions of it, scrutiny, do you do that?

MICHAEL: We would be happy to critique your work. I've had people all the way from high school to advanced amateurs send images to me for critique via email. We're happy to take a look at them. Tell you what works, what doesn't work, and then also based on the criteria offered by national judges what works for them as well.

JOHN: Now how do I apply for membership if I'm interested in joining your association?

MICHAEL: The best way to apply for membership is go to the PPC website which is www.prophotoca.com and we have a shopping cart on there where you can apply for membership which includes being able to pay monthly versus a one time shot for your membership dues. So instead of paying $130 for your annual dues, you pay $12.50 a month for twelve months. And it comes out of your credit card every month real easy.

JOHN: Well I want to thank you for joining us today on the VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight today, Michael.

MICHAEL: My pleasure. I had a good time.

JOHN: We've been speaking with Michael Collins, President of the Professional Photographers of California, and you've been listening to the VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight. Thanks for joining us today. Have a great afternoon.

ANNOUNCER: You have been listening to the VTalk Radio's Spotlight; only on www.vtalkradio.com . Radio for the 21st Century.

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