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VTalk Radio Spotlight
Today's Guest: Jared Brown of Chiaha Proffesional Photographers Society. in Chiaha, Alabama
Today's Host: Damien Allen
November 2007

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Prof.Photographers of Mississippi and Alabama.
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ANNOUNCER: Welcome to the VTalk Radio's Photographer Spotlight with your host, Damien Allen. Today's program is sponsored by morephotos.com the online photo sales solution to professional photographers worldwide.

DAMIEN: Today we are in the Studio with Mr. Jarid Brown, President of the Cheaha Professional Photographer's Society . Welcome to VTalk Radio's Photographer Spotlight, Jarid.

JARID: Thank you.

DAMIEN: Why don't you tell us a little bit about the Cheaha Professional Photographer's Society, Jarid.

JARID: Ok. We are a local organization which is a local affiliate of the Professional Photographer's Association which is a local affiliate of the Professional Photographer's of America which is the national trade organization for a professional photographers across the United States. Currently we have about a 25 - 30 member group. We meet once a month and we also host a yearly event which is kind of a regional type thing where we invite photographers across the region down to hear an international platform level speaker.

DAMIEN: What other services and benefits are included in being from this society?

JARID: One of the real big benefits of what we do is that in the event that something were to happen to one of us we always have a network of other photographers to fall back on. You know, we've really got a good group of people and I'm sure that if I had a problem I could any of those guys to do something for me or vice versa with them as well. So that's really the main benefit of it as well as just, you know, having more than one mind to pick as far as answering a question, you know, if we've got some kind of legal questions or business related question, we can always call another member for an answer.

DAMIEN: Now as far as the networking, are there ongoing classes or online services that the society offers to help the education process along with it's members?

JARID: Yeah, that's a big part of what our big event is about. Basically with it we always try to continue our education, but we're getting a national platform speaker which is someone who is speaking at the national level across the United States, you know who is really at the top of their game to come in and kind of further educate local photographers about, you know, basically new transit in the industry or the way that they do things to better educate us as business people and as photographers.

DAMIEN: Now does the society endorse any photo competitions or is there any type of competition among the members for bettering themselves?

JARID: No we don't necessarily endorse any competitions. We do have small print critiques which members come in and bring their individual prints in for critiquing by other members, but as far as that goes, that's done more on a state and national level.

DAMIEN: Ok. Is there any form of newsletter that's included with membership in the society?

JARID: Yes, we have a monthly enews letter which goes out before our meetings every month, you know to inform members about the speaker, that sort of thing, but for the most part, we're meeting monthly so we don't really have a large newsletter or print newsletter that goes out.

DAMIEN: And what kind of things are covered at the meetings?

JARID: A variety of topics, really. We talk about everything from new trends in the industry, you know, the digital revolution, of course, and where that's taking us. As well as things related to business, things related to legal aspects of business. You know, new technology; it could be anything.

DAMIEN: Is there a website that I can go to to check out what your society is all about?

JARID: No, actually we don't have a website currently at this time. All of our members have websites, and our state level has a website, but our local organization at this does not.

DAMIEN: How long is the society been in existence?

JARID: The society was actually formed back in the, I think, 1960s, by a group of local photographers and then went dormant for about 10 years starting in the early 90s, but we resurrected the group around 2003, 2004, and we've been strong and active ever since.

DAMIEN: Well if I was an Alabama photographer where would I go to find out information so that I could become a member?

JARID: Ok, like I said, we are a local organization. We do have sister organizations around the states which are, of course, different local type of organizations. What you can do is you can look up the PPMA which is Professional Photographer's of Mississippi and Alabama. They have a website which is ppma.net, also they can give you information about photographers in your area, and you can talk to photographers or PPMA members. Most of our members are PPMA members so anybody locally to the Anniston or Oxford, Alabama area would be able to help you and to find someone that could connect you with one of us to get you information.

DAMIEN: I'd like to thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to speak to us about the Cheaha Professional Photographer's Society.

JARID: You're very welcome, thank you so much.

DAMIEN: We've been speaking with Jarid Brown, President of the Cheaha Professional Photographer's Society in Oxford Alabama. You've been listening to the VTalk Radio's Photographer Spotlight. I'm Damien Allen. Have a great afternoon.

ANNOUNCER: You have been listening to the VTalk Radio Spotlight; only on www.vtalkradio.com. Radio for the 21st Century.

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