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VTalk Radio Spotlight
Today's Guest: Keith Branch of
Today's Host: John Bentley

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The Professional Photographers of The Ozarks
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ANNOUNCER: This VTalk Radio's Spotlight is sponsored by morephotos.com the online photo sales solution to professional photographers worldwide. Welcome to the VTalk Radio's Photographer Spotlight with your host, John Bentley.

JOHN: Today we are in the studio with Keith Branch. He is President of the Professional Photographers of the Ozarks, based out of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Welcome, Keith, to VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight.

KEITH: Thank you very much.

JOHN: Glad you could join us the morning.

KEITH: Welcome.

JOHN: Now give our listeners an overview of your organization.

KEITH: Well it's the Professional Photographers of the Ozarks which started in 1954, and I'll be honest with you, some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. Every year regardless of who's speaking at the convention, I'm there just to be around friends that I've grown accustom to over the years. It's there to help other photographers, not only in their professional career, but in their personal growth as well, their photography endeavors.

JOHN: Certainly the networking aspects of a photo organization has to be very helpful for the professional photographer.

KEITH: Exactly. And there's some times that you can learn more just by sitting down to have a cup of coffee or a meal with another photographer who may have information that could be helpful to you. Not discounting the speakers that we have, but sometimes you can get some incredible information just sitting down and chatting.

JOHN: Now how many members are in the organization?

KEITH: I want to guess about 300 - 400 right now.

JOHN: And you guys have a yearly convention?

KEITH: Actually we have two a year. One in the fall which is coming up usually the end of October is Eureka Springs Best Western in the Ozarks there, and it's always a big convention. The biggest of the year. The second one is based out of Branson in the Middle of February and it's great as well being Branson.

JOHN: Well when you join the organization, you get some kind of discount passes or do you just automatically get passes to go to both of these?

KEITH: When you join your membership gives you membership and of course you get a discount as you mentioned on the convention registration itself. It doesn't include the registration, because some people don't want to go both, or just cannot make it in one year. So that's an additional fee.

JOHN: Now tell us a little bit about the convention. What exactly is going on there?

KEITH: Well this particular convention coming up I'm very proud of. I've got a bright mentor or a gentleman I was always looked up to, Larry Peters, who's been in photography for at least 25 years, and as soon as he started out, he started making things happen and become well known and well respected in the industry. He is an incredible photographer out of Ohio, has three studios there. Another one we have is Criag Meest. He is incredible, more artistic minded and just really creative. You can tell by looking at his images, he has a creative mind about him, and he's going to be on our Sunday night schedule. Larry is all day on Monday. The last day is going to be Scott Purcrand from Professional Photographers of America. He's the CFO. He's going to be speaking on "It's your money, keep more of it." More on the business aspect of photography which everybody needs to know about.

JOHN: Certainly now what about some of the other benefits of joining the Professional Photographers of the Ozarks?

KEITH: Some of the benefits are actually the biggest thing we've talked about it's networking. We have a great bunch of people there that are so open to sharing. I've made many friends over the years and I think I've been a member for about 9 or 10 years. I was going before I even moved to Arkansas when I had to drive 7 hours to the convention, and that is the biggest benefit. The networking you have with other people. We have a full directory on our website www.ppozarks.net that you can go to and see the directory of all the different members any time you've got something down, you can go to them. That's the biggest benefit. You also get discounts, of course, as we mentioned to the conventions themselves, we have a trade show at the convention. The fall one is the larger one, and we have that benefit as well.

JOHN: Now what about a newsletter? Anything like that going out on a monthly basis, or bi-monthly?

KEITH: Well since we're smaller that would be a great idea; however, since we're a smaller organization and a little bit smaller budget, we do two, I guess you would say, newsletters a year which is actually larger postcards that are sent out reminding people, here's where our convention is, what's going on at our convention, and get ready and start making your reservations. But as far as a newsletter, no we don't have one so much.

JOHN: We are in the studio today with Keith Branch. He is President of the Professional Photographers of the Ozarks, and you're listening to VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight. We're going to step aside for these important messages, we'll be right back.

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ANNOUNCER: This VTalk Radio Spotlight is sponsored by morephotos.com, the online photo sales solution to professional photographers worldwide.

ANNOUNCER: We now return you to the VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight with your host, John Bentley.

JOHN: We are back in the studio with Keith Branch. He is President of the Professional Photographers of the Ozarks, and you're listening to VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight. Welcome back to the program, Keith.

KEITH: Thank you.

JOHN: Now we've been talking about your photo organization down there in Arkansas, the Arkansas area. Let's talk a little bit about you. First of all, you are the president of the organization. How long has that been going on?

KEITH: Well you start out at the bottom. You start out as board of director number 4 and then you work your way through to treasurer, secretary, vice president, president. It takes about 7 years to become president. But through that you do learn the steps. You learn each job coming up so that once you get there, you're more comfortable doing your job and making sure that the memberships are taken care of.

JOHN: And what about you, personally. Let's just talk a little bit about your experience as a photographer.

KEITH: Oh, I've been a photographer...I actually had a studio for 21 years now. I've actually been in photography for about 25 - 26 years. I started out in a little town called Alamo in west Tennessee about 70 miles NE of Memphis and there I did more seniors than anything, but I did a little bit of weddings, families, of course, and children and school work, and then about 9 years ago, I changed to Arkansas. I saw a lot of greener pasture so to speak in Arkansas, and saw that there was a lot of potential here for me. So I did that, and sure enough that has come true. I still do a lot of seniors, doing a little bit of weddings...a little bit of everything, and of course over the years, I've done what I could to give back to the organization while being on the board in Memphis, Ozarks, earning my masters and craftsman and certified degrees.

JOHN: Now let's get back to the organization a little bit. Now there's some other things going on in the organization like a, I would imagine, a print competition. Tell us a little bit about that.

KEITH: Exactly. In print competition we have the same rules as the national Professional Photographers of America. Now people can enter prints, folios, albums, wedding albums, or portrait albums as well, and that is usually our day. We start out on Sunday morning about 10:00 and go through our print competition.. it easily goes til about 3 or 4. It's very educational sitting in the audience and watching prints that come around and listening to what judges have to say so that when you're watching print competition, you can really see yourself getting motivated to do something different and creative and knowing what to do and what not to do. So it's educational as far as learning, but it's also sort of a pat on your own back kind of thing when you do really well.

JOHN: Now is there a...is maybe the winners of the competition presented on your website or something along those lines?

KEITH: Yes they do. If you go to www.ppozarks.net and I believe award winners click on it, and it will actually show what awards were presented and who won them, and sometimes it will actually show the actual images and who won those. So it's good PR too for them.

JOHN: Now if I was a professional photographer interested in joining your organization, how do I apply?

KEITH: The easiest way to do it..you can contact Frank Washburn in Little Rock, he's our executive director, but the best way to do it is to go through our website and just click on membership application and it's right there for you. You print it out, fill it out, and send it into Frank, and you're a member. It's that easy. Jim Lursh out of Nixonburg, Missouri, has done an incredible job in doing our website.

JOHN: Now why don't you share the website address with our listening audience.

KEITH: Sure our website is www.ppozarks.net.

JOHN: We've been in the studio with Keith Branch. He is President of the Professional Photographers of the Ozarks, out of Fayetteville, Arkansas, and you're listening to VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight. Keith, I want to thank you for tuning in and joining us today.

KEITH: Well thank you, I've enjoyed it.

JOHN: And I want to thank everybody out there in the listening audience listening to us talk about photography here on VTalk. Everybody, John Bentley, signing off. Have a great day.

ANNOUNCER: You have been listening to the VTalk Radio's Spotlight; only on
www.vtalkradio.com . Radio for the 21st Century.

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