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VTalk Radio Spotlight
Today's Guest: Rinat Halon of Halon Photography. in Orlando, Florida
Today's Host: John Bentley

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ANNOUNCER:  This VTalk Radio Photography Spotlight is sponsored by morephotos.com helping professional photographers with all their internet needs. Welcome to the VTalk Radio Photographer Spotlight with your host, John Bentley.

JOHN: Today on VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight we have Orlando, Florida, photographer, Rinat Halon of Halon Photography.  Welcome, VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight, Rinat.

RINAT:  Thank you. Thank you.

JOHN:  Well it's a pleasure having you here today.  Can you kindly tell our listening audience a little about yourself and your photography business.

RINAT:  Well I'm located in Orlando, Florida.  I photograph anywhere and everywhere in Orlando, all over Florida, all over the U.S., actually worldwide.  So I do a lot of destination weddings as well.  My background has always been the arts.  I was actually in front of the camera when I was younger so I did some acting and moved behind the camera and my education and my degree is in photography as well, and I've been working professionally as a photographer for 12 years now.

JOHN:  Let's talk a little bit about the kind of photography you do.  I would imagine like most photographers, weddings are a big part of your business.  Is that the case?

RINAT:  Yep.  Yeah, weddings surprisingly enough to me weddings are a big part of my business.  It's not what I intended on when I got into it, but I kind of fell into it...fell in love with it and love photographing weddings.

JOHN:  Now, what kind of situations do you run into at a wedding that you have to work with?

RINAT:  Something that I've heard before that was said by a pro photographer who photographed weddings, he said if you can photograph a wedding, you can photograph anything, and that's basically I do, I agree.  It is so true.  At a wedding I have to think on my feet.  I really have to know what I'm doing.  You know, things change constantly.  I don't have too much control, and I have to know basically style of photography.  I might go through every style of photography to be able to create, you know, the great shots.  I mean, lighting conditions change, it's indoor, it's outdoor, weather conditions change.  Things that I have not control over so that's why I love it, because it's very challenging actually.

JOHN:  Now, Rinat, when you go into a wedding, are you taking an assistant with you?  Do you have other photographers?  How do you approach that?

RINAT:  It depends on the size of the wedding.  Most of the time I do have at least one assistant.  The assistant usually is there first and foremost to be there for me to assist me, you know handing me memory cards, cleaning the lens, making sure I have everything I need, but my assistant...anybody who assists me...any of my assistants are also trained as a second shooter, and if I feel that I need a second view, then they go ahead and they photograph that.  Most of the time I photograph everything myself.  I'm very light on my feet, and I'm quick.  Usually when the couple get the pictures back, they go hey when were you there, when did you photograph that, I had no idea you were there so, you know, most of the time I'm fine by myself, but I do have an assistant.  It depends on the size.  It can be from one to I've had four before with me.

JOHN:  Now weddings aren't all that you do.  Actually before we move on, there was...what about...what kind of other factors that go into a wedding per se, the cost, the time that you spend on a wedding?

RINAT:  When I show up at a wedding and I photograph it, actually that is just the beginning of my work.  Actually by the time I'm done photographing the day of the wedding, that is when I actually start working.  I come back and I edit all the pictures.  I go through them.  Every picture is looked over, so there is a lot of time and effort than on the wedding pictures before anybody sees them. 

JOHN:  Now what other kind of photography are you involved in, Rinat?

RINAT:  I find myself doing all kinds of photography.  One thing that I just started doing, and I love it is proposal photography and that is actually for when you want to propose to your honey and you have everything put together something that you would love and she would love for sure is pictures of it afterwards, and usually that's something that you kind of forget about, and, you know, kind of slips away, and you don't have any records...any memories of that very, very special moment.  So that is something I'm offering right now, and it's paparratizzi style photography.  You won't even know I'm there.  If you go under my site under carpe diem, there's actually a little spiel about it, and you can contact me to find out more.

JOHN:  Sounds like an interesting angle. 

RINAT:  Yeah, it's fun.  I'm really excited about it, because it really is...it is so emotional obviously and it's such a surprise and she has no idea I'm there and then, you know, by the time I pull out my camera with my paparratizzi lens, she's all into her honey so she doesn't even notice that I'm there anyway and then  the pictures, you know, she loves them so it's great.

JOHN:  Now we're going to take a break here right now, Rinat, but before I let you go, would you give your website address and contact information for our listening audience.

RINAT:  Yeah, my website is www.halonwp.com , and I can also be reached at (407) 384-0074.

JOHN:  We are in the studio via the telephone with Orlando, Florida, photographer, Rinat Halon of Halon Photography and you're listening to VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight.  We'll be right back after these important messages.

ANNOUNCER: This VTalk Radio Spotlight is sponsored by morephotos.com, the online photo sales solution to professional photographers worldwide.

VTALK RADIO:  VTalk Radio. 

ANNOUNCER: Did you ever wonder why the groom is supposed to carry the bride over the threshold?  What does the saying something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue mean?  Visit www.weddingdetails.com and click on the lore and tradition section.  We've got culture and tradition information from around the world.  Visit www.weddingdetails.com tonight.

ANNOUNCER:  We now return you to the VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight with your host, John Bentley.

JOHN:  We are in the studio with Orlando, Florida, photographer, Rinat Halon of Halon Photography, and you're listening to VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight.  Welcome back to the program, Rinat.

RINAT:  Thank you.  Thank you.

JOHN:  Now we're talking about your photography business down there in Orlando.  Tell us the other types of photography that you're doing.

RINAT:  Well I do pet photography.  Lots of dogs mainly.  I do pregnancy photography, boudoir photography some sexy shots which are always fun, and of course any portrait, children, babies, I do do commercial work, you know, food photography, interior.  I also do body building photography for body builders and head shots for actors, models, dancers.

JOHN:  Well that's quite a lot, I'm sure that keeps you quite busy, huh?

RINAT:  It does keep me quite busy, absolutely.

JOHN:  Now, you have a studio there down in Orlando, and you also are willing to travel, is that true?

RINAT:  I do.  I have a home based studio, and I really, I photograph anywhere and everywhere.  I take my equipment, and I can set up anywhere.

JOHN:  Let's talk about some of the places that you've have gone to take photographs.

RINAT:  Well in terms of, like I said, I am available world wide, and I am originally from Israel, and I've gone back there and I photographed weddings back there. Like I said I also photograph throughout Florida down to Miami, down to the Keys, been in Hawaii to photograph a wedding, I have a wedding coming up in Denver, Colorado.  I am all over the place.  In terms of locally, again, it just depends, but I am all over the place here as well.  The Celebration Hotel, I am actually their preferred photographer.  I photograph often at the Heathboro Country Club, Casa Feliz on Park Avenue, Mystic Dunes Country Club, and the Citrus Club downtown Orlando.

JOHN:  What about some of the cities and communities right around the Orlando area too?  Can you name off some of those?

RINAT:  In terms of communities right around Orlando, like I said, I do travel anywhere so Mount Dora, I do photographs quite often in Mount Dora, Tampa, Clearwater is also a good option, and anywhere between here and Lakeland, Lake Mary, so those are some of the areas.

JOHN:  Let's talk a little bit about your experience and your education as a photographer.  You are a member of the PPA, correct?

RINAT:  Yes, I am, absolutely.

JOHN:  Which is the Professional Photographers' Association.

RINAT:  Yes it is.

JOHN:  Are there any other clubs or organizations that you're involved in?

RINAT:  I really don't have time to be involved in anything else, but I am a member of the PPA.  I take advantage of their continuous education so I'm constantly learning new stuff.  I make sure that I am right on top of things, and I stay current, and I was actually just at their big convention here in Tampa which was wonderful so definitely staying on top of the education and the current trends.

JOHN:  Let's talk a little bit about what you consider to be your most important goal when you go into a photo session.

RINAT:  Well I want to make people look the best that they ever looked and have them feel comfortable doing it.  Have them feel natural about it.

JOHN:  And what are some of those techniques that you use to make people comfortable in the studio?  I know a lot of people don't like to have their picture taken.

RINAT:  That is true, and I meet a lot of them, and then the first thing I say to them, because they say to me, I hate having my picture taken....

JOHN:  Yeah, right, that's the first thing out of their mouth isn't it.

RINAT:  Exactly, and I say to them, well you haven't had me photograph you yet, give me a chance, and I mean, I really don't want to give myself 100% so I'll give myself 99% that they come back and say, you were so right.  So, I really, again, I'm quoting somebody else, but these are great sentences so I love using them, I heard another pro photographer say that one of the most important things of the photographer is your personality.  If you don't  have a personality, you better go buy one, because you really need it.  And I couldn't agree more.  I think I make people feel very comfortable.  I also work quickly.   I make it look very easy so, but it really, obviously, it isn't.  There's a lot going in my head in terms of technicalities in terms of what I'm doing and calculating and all that, but I do make people feel very comfortable.  We laugh a lot.  We enjoy it so that really makes the different.

JOHN:  What about up coming events?  What do you have on your docket coming up here in the not so distant future, Rinat?

RINAT:  Well one exciting thing that has happened is I'm going to be photographing the wedding of Alex Diaz from Exhale 106.7 radio who he's on a radio show in the morning...talk radio in the morning, and that's very exciting.  I'm going to be photographing Alex and Dawn's wedding, and I'm thrilled about that.  He's talking about it on his radio all the time, and he's actually going to be inviting me to be on his show at one point which I'll announce on my website when that's going to be.  I also have currently some artwork, some of my artwork is actually part of an art show in Israel that I'm thrilled about, and I will have an art show here in town.  I don't have the exact date yet, or a location, but again that will be announced on my website under press release.

JOHN:  Speaking of your website, let's give your website address and contact information one more time before I let you go, Rinat.

RINAT:  It is www.halonwp.com , and the phone number is (407) 384-0074.

JOHN:  Well I want to thank you for joining us today on VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight, Rinat.

RINAT:  Thank you so much for having me.  It was great.

JOHN:  Well we are signing off from VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight.  We have been in the studio today with Orlando, Florida, photographer, Rinat Halon of Halon Photography.  I am your host, John Bentley, with my recording engineer, Damien Allen.  We want to sign off from VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight.  Thanks for tuning in.  Have a great day.

ANNOUNCER:  You have been listening to the VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight; only on
www.vtalkradio.com .  Radio for the 21st Century.

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