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VTalk Radio Spotlight
Today's Guest: Julie Farivar of American Photography and Video. in San Antonio, Texas
Today's Host: John Bentley

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ANNOUNCER: This VTalk Radio Photography Spotlight is brought to you by morephotos.com helping professional photographers with all their internet needs. Welcome to the VTalk Radio Photographer Spotlight.

DAMIEN: Good afternoon and welcome to the VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight. My name is Damien Allen, and today we have with us via phone we have with us San Antonio, Texas, photographer, Julie Farivar, of American Photography and Video. Welcome to the program, Julie.


DAMIEN: How you doing today?

JULIE: Good, how about yourself?

DAMIEM: I have very few complaints other than it's a lot warmer where you're at then where I'm at. Anyways, I understand you have a nice little photography and video business down there in San Antonio. Why don't you tell us a little bit about.

JULIE: Ok. We're located at 11806 Warsmont. We do a lot of wedding photography. We have 3 photographers and 3 videographers. We do weddings every weekend. Sometimes even Fridays, and we do conceniaras, bar mitzvahs, we do birthdays, anniversaries. We do all sorts of different events. And also all sorts of different cultures.

DAMIEM: Are there any other photography services you offer besides family from beginning to end photography?

JULIE: We have done corporate for Kodak, Bicoat. We've done many events.

DAMIEM: Alright, now San Antonio is a large area in Texas. What other communities do you service?

JULIE: We do Austin, Houston, we've done Dallas, San Antonio, Victoria. We've done pretty much all over Texas.

DAMIEM: Doing so many family style events, wedding events, bar mitzvahs, bat mitzvahs and such, are there certain facilities that you tend to use a lot?

JULIE: Yeah, we do a lot of bridal portraits at the McMayot Museum, The Mission in San Jose, we go all over the town. We do a lot. The interesting thing about our business is we offer all the pictures printed which is different than having it on CD which a CD can be scratched, you know, and we do, I don't know if you know about this, but it's called a coffee table book. It's the newest fashion. We send it out to Italy; they design the books, and they mount it, bind it, and they send it back. It's just like a book rather than pictures. Something that you'd see in like a magazine.

DAMIEM: In Deed. That's a great little service and it's the coming rage. It's a lot of photography studios and service have been offering the coffee table style books and it's a very great package. It's a great way to present somebody the images that they had captured at their event. How long have you been a photographer, Julie?

JULIE: I've been in business for about 16 years.

DAMIEM: So you've seen the change from film to digital.

JULIE: Definitely.

DAMIEM: Do you still shoot film at all anymore?

JULIE: We do primarily digital.

DAMIEM: So you do all your editing in house?

JULIE: Yeah. We do all the editing, color balance, everything is tracked in house.

DAMIEM: If I'm a client, am I able to order my proofs or look at my proofs online?

JULIE: Yeah, definitely. We'll have all the pictures online so anyone out of state or out of the country can view your pictures.

DAMIEM: Am I able to purchase online from your company?

JULIE: Yeah, you can purchase online also.

DAMIEM: In deed. Wonderful. So you're doing a lot of family style events, you say you have three photographers and three videographers. Do you use three photographers on every shoot, or is it pretty much on this is a larger event so we need three on this one we only need one. For weddings are you looking for more of a journalistic or more of a candid shot?

JULIE: Well we do both. The good thing about our packages, you will get photo journalistic style and also you will get your formal pictures. So you get both. You get the best of everything.

DAMIEM: Well as you're doing so many different types of events, weddings, engagement parties, bar mitzvah's, bat mitzvah's, and things of that nature, a lot of people don't like to have their picture taken and when you're doing it in a photo journalist style where you're not intrusive and right up in somebodies' face, they don't know they're getting their picture taken, but if you're doing more of a candid shot, or if you're doing something that's staged, what do you do to make you're clients more comfortable for that session?

JULIE: Usually brides and grooms are in the moment of their event, and we capture every moment from tears to the very happiness of their wedding. So they're really living the moment.

DAMIEM: Ok, we're going to have to take a short break here for some commercial announcements, but before we go into the break, could I get you to give everybody your phone number and website information please.

JULIE: Sure our phone number is (210) 699-9687 and you can look into our website to look at our style of photography and different packages at www.american-photography.com

DAMIEM: We are in the studio today with Julie Farivar, of American Photography and Video located in San Antonio, Texas. You are listening to VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight. We're going to take a short break for these commercials, and we will be right back.

ANNOUNCER: This VTalk Radio Spotlight is sponsored by morephotos.com, the online photo sales solution to professional photographers worldwide.


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ANNOUNCER: We now return you to the VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight with your host, Damien Allen.

DAMIEM: Welcome to the VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight. I'm Damien Allen and on the phone today we have Ms. Julie Farivar, of American Photography and Video located in San Antonio, Texas. Welcome back to the program, Julie.

JULIE: Thank you.

DAMIEM: Well we've been talking about the types of services that you offer out in San Antonio, and what I was wondering is do you have any advice for a client who wants to have a photography event shot if, you know, I need my sweet 16 or I'm getting married, or I'm having my bar mitzvah, you know, what should I be prepared for to have that done? And why should I go to a professional photographer instead of say having Uncle Joe come down with his digital camera?

JULIE: Well, I mean, that even is usually a big event. You have a lot of costs that you invest in to conduct that day to be the best for you. And as a result, you would want the best pictures to be reminded of your memories and to capture the right moments for yourself. The thing about a professional photographer, you get everything right then and there. You count on that person to capture those moments and has experience. We've had over 16 years of experience and our work is very much different from the average joe. If there is anything that goes wrong with your pictures, then your memory of that day is kind of going to be fade. I think if you're investing so much money on a special day that you don't forget a photographer to capture the right moments.

DAMIEM: Now if I'm having this large event, and I suddenly go, oh you know I kind of need a picture of little Donny with great grandma Michelle, is that something I can suggest to you to have done?

JULIE: Definitely, I mean, the good thing about our services is we give you unlimited pictures. We are the kind of photographers that we have own creativity, our own imaginations, but we're also willing to hear your ideas. If there's anything you want, we're willing to work with you. We won't get offended like some photographers will get offended, but, I mean, we're open. This is your special day. We want to make sure your special day comes across well for you.

DAMIEM: Are you members of any of the photo organizations?

JULIE: Actually we are. We're a part of the organization called PPA, Professional Photographers of America.

DAMIEM: Julie, what's your most important goal when you're shooting a client?

JULIE: Our main goal is to get our customers satisfied with our work, because that's the way advertising works for us.

DAMIEM: If you had dream photo shoot, what would it be?

JULIE: That's really a hard question to answer, you know. You really want to get your customers satisfied and enjoy your work.

DAMIEM: If you had the choice of if you had one thing to shoot just for your own personal enjoyment, what would it be?

JULIE: We definitely love shooting weddings. We love to see the very happy moment. We love to share that with our customers.

DAMIEM: Now you cover the greater San Antonio and Houston area, are you also available to travel and do weddings outside of the state of Texas?

JULIE: Yeah, definitely.

DAMIEM: What does the future hold for American Photography and Video?

JULIE: Right now we're working on our Italian albums. It's the most fashionable books and a lot of customers are really into this book, because it's really you can't describe it's worth a million words. If you look at the book, it's something that you're not going to have on a shelf, but on your coffee table looking at it. It just captures your eye.

DAMIEM: Are there samples of this coffee table book up on the website?


DAMIEM: Ok, well before I let you go, can we get your website and contact information one more time, Julie.

JULIE: Sure our phone number is (210) 699-9687 and our website is www.american-photography.com

DAMIEN: We've been in the studio via the telephone with San Antonio photographer, Julie Farivar, of American Photography and Video, and we'd like to thank you very much for joining us today on VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight, Julie.

JULIE: Thank you for having me.

DAMIEM: You're very welcome. You've been listening once again to the VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight. I'm Damien Allen; have a great afternoon.

ANNOUNCER: You have been listening to the VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight; only www.vtalkradio.com on
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