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Today's Guest: Tom Hauenstien of LexJet. Go Tour Update
Today's Host: Damien Allen
November 2007

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LexJet Great Output Tour.
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ANNOUNCER: Welcome to the VTalk Radio's Photographer Spotlight with your host, Damien Allen. Today's program is sponsored by morephotos.com the online photo sales solution to professional photographers worldwide.

ANNOUNCER: Welcome to the VTalk Radio Photographer's Spotlight with your host, Damien Allen.

DAMIEN: Good afternoon and welcome to VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight. My name is Damien Allen, and on the phone we have Mr. Tom Hauenstein digital photo consultant for the Lexjet Corporation, and we are talking about the Go Seminar. The great output seminar tour that has been going on for a couple of months now. Good afternoon and welcome to the show, Tom.

TOM: Hello Damien, how are you doing today?

DAMIEN: We're doing just fine. So how is the Go Tour going?

TOM: It's going very well. We're really excited with the success we've seen so far. I could tell you the traveling has been a little bit rough, but we ten cities down and six left to go. So seeing that we're a little past the half way point, we're really happy about how things are proceeding.

DAMIEN: And how has the tour been received?

TOM: Well we're doing a post-show survey along with the pre-show survey and the responses that we're getting are really fantastic. We've got 92% of the people saying that it was excellent, another 7% saying that it was fair, and less than 1% saying that it was just good. We haven't gotten any negative responses so far so knock on wood we hope to continue that trend and make sure that all attendees are well taken care of.

DAMIEN: Well with ten cities down and six to go, how are the attendance goals that were set up being met?

TOM: The attendance goals are great. We originally were shooting for about 50 people per city which would put us at an attendance goal of about 800 people. We already have 900 people signed up with still six cities left to go. So I think we're going to blow that one out of the water which is always a good thing.

DAMIEN: Sounds like a great deal. So what's been covered on the tour so far?

TOM: Well, most of the people have asked for instructions on actual click throughs on printing to the Epson driver along with that we go through color management, we go through some finishing tips and tricks, we go through some printing tips and some application ideas that they can apply right to the business so when they're done with the tour, they can hit the ground running. With the printer that's printing efficiently for them with a bunch of new ideas of different markets they can enter with their current equipment and hopefully just add money to their bottom line right away.

DAMIEN: So are we taking a little break for the holiday and getting ready to go back at it or we back out after this weekend?

TOM: That's the goal. What we found is that around the end of November and December, photographers are usually slammed with holiday pictures and things like that so we usually take a break and will pick back up in the middle of January. Actually January 19th we'll be in Chicago to pick it right back up.

DAMIEN: And as this tour was set up, everything was pre-surveyed so the attendees would be getting everything fine-tuned for their city, what is Chicago looking to have done for them?

TOM: As of right now, we haven't quite sent out the survey for Chicago, but that's probably going to go out after the new year, but I can tell you as far as for the surveys that we've done for the previous ten, everybody is really interested in either printing through the Epson driver or printing through the image print ripped software also the application tips have really been voted on quite a bit. That seems to be the trend that we've been seeing.

DAMIEN: Well after Chicago, where are you headed next?

TOM: After Chicago we're going to Richmond, and then we're going to do a Kansas City and a Philadelphia and we're going to finish off the tour with Boston and New York City.

DAMIEN: And as this is looking to be a success is there another tour planned for next year or is there any other seminars that will be going on after this one?

TOM: Funny you should say that. Next week we're going to hunker down while it's a little bit slow on the photography side and start putting together everything for Great Output Seminar version 2 which should start up I would say in September or August of 2008.

DAMIEN: And what's going to be on that tour?

TOM: That is yet to be decided. That's the majority of the work that we're going to put in next week...trying to figure out exactly what content everybody responded positively to. What content people felt that they already knew and that maybe we were wasting their time, but we're kicking around a couple of other ideas as far as maybe doing a two day seminar...where maybe it will be basic the first day, advanced the second day, and the attendee can choose to attend one day or the other or both at a discounted package rate.

DAMIEN: I know yourself, you were doing a primary amount of speaking. Has there been any other guest speakers in for the seminar and are you expecting any other names to pop up during the remainder of this one?

TOM: Not during the remainder of this one. It's basically yours truly until 10 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon. However, that's another thing that we're going to think about doing for the second version of the seminar tour is perhaps having a photographer coming in and sharing some secrets about some capture techniques or maybe an expert from Exright or maybe some color management company come in and talk about some of their business and some of their equipment specifically. So, again, a lot of that is in the air, but it seems like a good idea, and it would be nice if I could get a break maybe in the middle of the seminar.

DAMIEN: Little minor vacation is always in call. When's the last day for the seminar?

TOM: The last day of the seminar, you kind of caught me off guard on that one...hold on let me check...it is going to be February 27th. That's going to be the New York show.

DAMIEN: Where are the next shows being held at?

TOM: Specific addresses?

DAMIEN: Specific venues if you have them.

TOM: Most of them, if you just give me a second, I'll pull it up. Most of them have been in hotels closest to the airport. What we found is if we pick a part of the town that's out by the airport, it's easier for people to get in and out. When we've gone to downtown areas, people struggle to just get in and out of the area so let me just pull up Chicago...Chicago is at the Double Tree Hotel at the O'Hare Airport and Richmond is going to be at the Double Tree Hotel at the Richmond Airport. Philadelphia is going to be at the Radisson Hotel Valley Forge. Boston is going to be at the Double Tree Hotel Lowell and the New York will take place at Hotel Park Central at Midtown Manhattan.

DAMIEN: Good deal. Well if I'm a photographer and I want to find out more information and the schedule, where do I go?

TOM: You would go to www.greatoutput.com and you would click on the Great Output Seminar and it will have the list of all the dates and all the cities. The sign up fee again is $49 per person and you can find directions to the venues and if you have any questions you can always call Lexjet at (800) 453-9538.

DAMIEN: We've been speaking to Tom Hauenstein , Digital Photo Consultant and primary speaker on the Great Output Tour being put on by Lexjet Corporation right now in cities all over the United States. They're a little over half way done. If you want to learn more about color management, how to increase your bottom line printing directly, you need to get in touch with the folks at Lexjet or check out the Great Output site and see how you can get involved. Tom, we want to check back with you again here at the end of the tour and see how it went and find out what the plans will be for Great Output 2.0.

TOM: That sounds like a great plan, Damien.

DAMIEN: We'll talk to you again very soon. Thank you for joining us today.

TOM: Alright. Take care.

DAMIEN: You've been listening to the VTalk Radio's Photography Spotlight. I am Damien Allen; have a great afternoon.

ANNOUNCER: You have been listening to the VTalk Radio Spotlight; only on vtalkradio.com. Radio for the 21st Century.

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